Sunday, April 13, 2008

one word, Bob James, if you dont got some, get some. 

Monday, April 7, 2008

Who thought at 26 I would be doing "Spring Break"

As you all know I am attending PSU and working two jobs, life has been busy but worth living!  To celebrate all my hard work Paul and I went to Arizona to get away, enjoy the sun and do some sight seeing!  We had a blast, the weather was 90 degrees and the shorts and skirts were out!   I would say the most memorable part of the trip was getting to go to the Grand Canyon!  We were lucky to spend the entire day there, hiking around and watching the sun set!  We missed you guys and wished we could have gone to the beach but this trip was well worth taking!  I hope all of you get a chance to go on this mini adventure and discover how AMAZING this world really is!